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Part Number
Part Number: PP218
Shipping Weight: 0.25 Lbs

The PP218 Nozzle Kit is the replacement part number for the complete nozzle with o-ring and should always be replaced together.

The proper nozzle must be used for the correct heater in order to provide the correct atomization of the fuel that is being delivered to the nozzle by the air pump, due to so many different heaters sizes there are several nozzle available for many different heaters and many different flow rates. Please make sure to order and install the correct nozzle for your heater.

The compressed air from air pump of the heaters as it travels through the nozzle, creates a negative pressure that extends back through the center of the nozzle.
This negative pressure created then lifts the fuel from the fuel tank and delivers that fuel to the nozzle, the fuel and the compressed air are then mixed inside of the nozzle which results in a very fine mist of fuel being sprayed into the combustion chamber.
This air/fuel mixture must be mixed and the proper rate in order for the heater to run properly.

It should also be pointed out that each model heater requires different nozzles due to different fuel flow rates.

The PP218 Nozzle Kit is a low pressure that atomizes the fuel being delivered to the combustion chamber.

Air being blown by the fan is directed by the air deflectors into the combustion chamber through the two louvers and center opening in the rear head which is riveted to the back of the combustion chamber.
The nozzle and nozzle adapter are mounted in the burner strap which is fastened to the rear head. As the atomized fuel exits the nozzle and is ignited it mixes with the air entering through the rear head.
The combustion process is completed inside the combustion chamber and the hot air exits the outlet end of the chamber.
The proper nozzle must be used for the correct heater in order to provide the correct atomization of the fuel that is being delivered to the nozzle by the air pump, due to so many different heaters sizes there are several nozzle available for many different heaters and many different flow rates. Please make sure to order and install the correct nozzle for your heater.

As mentioned previously, the purpose of the air pump is to compress air and deliver it to the nozzle. The compressed air, as it travels through the nozzle, creates a negative pressure that extends back through the center of the nozzle. This negative pressure lifts the fuel from the fuel tank.
The fuel from the fuel tank and the compressed air are mixed at the nozzle which results in a very fine mist of fuel being sprayed into the combustion chamber. The air pump/nozzle combination eliminates the need for a conventional type fuel pump.
It is important for the service technician to understand the nozzle operation. In many cases concerning improper operation of a heater, the problem is the result of low air pump pressure or restricted fuel flow die to dirty fuel or air filters.

Always make sure to check the plastic pump end cover for any cracks or damage that would allow air to escape and not be directed to the nozzle. It is very common after time or from over tightening the plastic pump end cover for the cover to develop a crack. This small crack can prevent your heater from starting properly and running properly.

Reddy Heater models:

Remington models:

All-Pro, Lowes, Master models:

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The PP218 replaces the following part numbers:

Desa: PP218, 100070-01, 100735-09 , HA3021, PP218-MP4

This is a partial list and does not include all of the part numbers that may have been replaced by the PP218 Nozzle replacement kit.

These parts were used in both High and Low pressure kerosene and diesel portable heaters manufactured by DESA International and private labeled for the following list of companies under some of the following brand names and sold at the following stores or retailers.

Sold at: Home Depot, Mennards, Lowes, Sears, Ace Hardware, Builders Square, Cosco, Sams Club, Walmart, WW Grainger, Portable Heater Parts, Master Distributors, Northern Hydraulics, NBMC, Sears, M & S Service Company Inc, FMConline, World Marketing and many other.

Sold as: Craftsman, Reddy heaters, Knipco, Dayton, Desa International, Master Portable heater, Universal Heaters, All-Pro, John Deere, Amoco, Koehring, Co-Op,Remington Kerosene and Diesel Heaters, Remington,Cenex, Heat Star and other private label names.
